1. Pedestrians that forget they don't have a bumper on their ass.
I'll never understand the small minds who get a thrill and/or power trip by walking out into the street during traffic, against the light, strollin' along, making cars screech to a halt as if they're daring someone to hit them. Don't give me that, "well, they're in a car, they can wait", or, (insert some other arrogant reason here). I'm not talking about the people who are legally crossing the street while drivers are trying to make a turn. I'm talking about people, especially teenagers/high schoolers, who mosey and deliberately walk out in traffic and/or block traffic so they do their, "I'm gonna be tough and rebellious 'cos I'm a teenage douchebag" schtick. I really want to plow through them like it's Death Race 2000 and each of those dipshits are double points. I'm also talking about those people in parking lots wandering around like zombies who seem to forget there are cars around and they need to pay attention (DUH, didn't you just park YOUR car ya mook?) also, dontcha just love those pedestrians that seem attracted to a car's reverse lights like moths to the proverbial flame? WTF? Those little white lights are not your cue to walk behind my car. Really. Please note, that I don't have this attitude because I have a car. I am often a pedestrian too, so I see both sides. I try to be courteous to pedestrians when I'm behind the wheel and a courteous pedestrian when I'm getting around on two feet. C'mon folks, it ain't that tough to not be an inconsiderate meathead.
2. LeBron James
This man has his whole life and career ahead of him. Just as you do not live your life for anyone else but those who matter most to you, he is doing the same. Being on the world stage does not change the fact that at the end of the day, a pro athlete's priorities are the same as most working people weighing the best option for them, their families and their future. So he didn't come to your town. Boo hoo. I am a New Yorker and it would have been fan-freakin'-tastic for him to come to NY and save the sorry-ass Knicks. But he didn't. And ya know what? The world didn't end. It would have been cool for him to be a Net because it would still bring him to the Greater NY area, but he didn't. Oh well. After hearing the pearls of wisdom from the idiot owner of the Cavs, perhaps we're seeing why LeBron wanted to leave. Maybe he was tired of carrying the Cavs - and Cleveland as a city - on his young shoulders when all he wants is a ring and be surrounded by a team that can help him achieve that goal. Now, ESPN pulled an article that supposedly showed LeBron doing what any young, rich man should be doing - enjoying himself. So? He gets it done on the job (the b-ball court), he is respectful and well-spoken in interviews, and he doesn't get in trouble off the court. What is he supposed to do when he's not doing those things? Knitting? I love sports, but I've always hated most sportscasters. Now, I am really starting to hate sports fans as a whole, too. They're selfish, arrogant, immature, hypocritical, bigoted, mean-spirited, often jealous wannabes who should run their own lives as well as they run their fantasy-sports games. LeBron, you are all that and a bag of chips - enjoy your young, successful life and continue to do what is in your best interest and do the things you enjoy. Because should you get injured or lose your magic, these same people will throw you under the bus like a piece of used tissue. But it seems you may know that already, and good for you. All of you hatin' whining bitch-bastards that haven't grown up and realized that basketball is just A GAME - get a brain, get a clue, then get A LIFE.
3. Speaking of whiny bitch-bastards...
...Did you know Obama was the cause of the oil spill in the Gulf? And the high humidity? And Global Warming? And that run in your Mama's pantyhose? Well, if you listened to the Right, that is what they would have you believe. Obama is the cause of everything that's wrong. Pick a topic, any topic, no matter how unrelated. From Lindsey Lohan going to jail, LeBron James leaving Cleveland, circus midgets, tainted food, all 'Bammy's doing. Uh-huh. Case in point: Recently a friend on Facebook posted something about the oil spill in the Gulf. Nothing political, just a thought on how terrible it was. One of his friends - true to Right form - went all ballistic, asking where were the Obama fans now, and they sure are silent now, how it's his fault the Middle East is such a mess, his efforts to fix the economy were a failure, he wasn't doing anything, blah blah blah. Really? Really? WTF? Here was my response:
"Sorry, can't let that go by w/o comment. I hate mindless followers of anyone, and I am definitely not an Obama groupie by any stretch, but really, what's to say? I'm sure if this happened during the Bush Administration, his fans would be silent too. There is really not much anyone can do during something like this, and I truly doubt any President would be down there getting his hands but so dirty either. What would that prove? I'm not stupid - he can't stop the flow of the oil, and him rolling up his pants leg and slinging a few shovels of it for a photo op is not symbolism I need. And as much as Obama-freaks annoy me, the Right and the Anti-Obamas are twice as annoying, bitching about everything but never offering any solutions and never having a plan. Do you really think McCain would have handled this differently, other than allowing Sarah Palin to go surfing on the oil slick, chanting, "Woohoo, we don't have to drill now!"? C'mon. As far as the Middle East goes, apparently, whatever President you approved of wasn't good enough with handling the Middle East either; if so, it would have been solved waaay before Obama. As far the economy, there were the 8 years prior to Obama's arrival that caused the economic mess we're currently in, and he came into a damn-near Depression and was handed a huge deficit run up by the prior Administration. There are definitely those who treat Obama as if he's the second coming of Christ, which is ridiculous. But I find it funny that the Anti-Obamas expect him to turn around the economy in less than two years. Really? That wouldn't be a miracle? You may not approve of what Obama has done, is doing, or has tried to do, but that doesn't mean he isn't doing anything. There's a difference. Sorry to rant, but just as you're sick of Obama Worshippers, I'm sick of the Obama-bashers. Extremists on either side can never be trusted to be fair."
The bottom line is that the Right/Republicans/Conservatives still can't get over the fact that their lack-luster, no-plan having, old man McCain and that winking Alaskan fishstick of a idiot Palin didn't win, and sore over the fact that the economy is slowly but surely recovering against their best efforts to thwart it. Guys, really. It's bad enough that you were willing to FUCK the unemployed - plenty of whom are your constituency (which make me again wonder why there is such a thing as a working-class Republican) - but to constantly and consistently piss and moan and try to inject Obama in every single conversation about what's wrong about America right now from floods to tryptophan makes me really believe you people are insane. Unstable, unreasonable, and insane. Not the way to get my Independent vote. Sure, Obama could have handled a couple of things differently, but he is doing his best to stick to his promises and has no problem being upfront about it. That is an attitude I can appreciate even when I'm annoyed at him. No, I don't miss Bush (you have got to be on crack to be missing that mentally-deficient jackass who plunged us into this economic morass in the first place). No, I do not regret my vote. But I do regret the lost time reading the diatribes of the Right and these Tea Party freaks as that is time (and brain cells) I'll never get back. It also makes me realize that as a Country we really haven't progressed that much. But I will give the Right credit for one thing: They can brainwash like nobody's business. They have their Sheeple by the shorthairs, and that is mad impressive. Now if they could use some of that manipulative power to do something truly right by all Americans and not just "Right" for those with deep pockets and power trips, this Country would be a far better place.