1. Etta James disses Beyonce for singing "At Last" at the Inauguration.
Make no mistake - Ella is one of the greats. "At last" is a classic, an American standard. Like many, I was surprised that Etta didn't sing her trademark song at the Inauguration, but instead Beyonce, who portrayed Etta in the recent movie "Cadillac Records", was asked to sing it . Now, in Etta's defense, I could understand her being pissed off - no one is going to sing it better than her, and as a performer who worked through hardship, prejudice and segregation it would have been very fitting for her to sing at the inauguration of this nation's first Black president. But no, the folks responsible for booking the event's talent went for a current megastar. If you have any conception of marketing, you can understand why they booked Beyonce instead of Etta. Many of the younger generation do not (or did not) know who Etta James is. Many folks thought she had passed away. Etta has a career and still performs with fine voice, but hasn't had a comparable hit since "At Last" (which, BTW was a cover song when she did it), so she was rather forgotten. But Beyonce, like it or not, is the biggest female star on the planet, and since the event already had Aretha Franklin for the older folks, Beyonce was brought in for the younger audience. Etta had the opportunity enjoy her re-discovery and, employing some poise, could have raised her own profile back up which would have meant new listeners, maybe some talk-show opportunities, new attendees at her concerts. But no. Instead she stated, "I can' t stand Beyonce" as well as making fun of Barack's ears. Tsk, tsk, Etta. That was TACKY. So now, instead of being remembered as an American vocal treasure, you will now be remembered as the bitter old hag that didn't have enough grace to enjoy the moment and then capitalize on it with class. And that's unfortunate. Speaking of tacky ...
2. Rush Limbaugh' four-word comment about Obama.
I've always felt that Rush was a pompous, egomaniac asshole who was more volume than substance (and yes, I do listen to him now and then to see if my opinion of him is has changed...it hasn't). It's unfortunate Rush is a little bitch-boy that can't handle the election losses. Instead of sucking it up, and reaching out to his listeners to keep their voices and values strong as we try to get our country back on its feet, what pearl of wisdom does he have to offer to his fellow countrymen and to a new President with all of the best intentions for his country?
"I hope he fails".
That's right. Rush Limbaugh, one of the 'love it or leave it' American bulldogs, one of those 'country above all' types who went along with the whole, 'if you're not supporting Dubya you're unpatriotic' crap, has the unmitigated gall to allow something so Anti-American fall out of his mouth. What is wrong with him? Why in the world would he be so stupid as to wish failure on a new president who is trying to get our country out the morass it's in? If he fails, Rush, you DUMBASS, the country fails! So all this time Rush must not have been as patriotic as he claims, because apparently his views and his agenda are more important than the nation he supposedly loves. So if Obama fails, and this country tanks, then what does Rush have planned? Moving to Canada? Oh, what in the world will the Dodderheads who ride his nuts do then? He may not like Obama, that is his right, but to wish failure before the man has a chance to really dig in shows a true lack of class and character...and loyalty to his country. I'm not even a Democrat and voted for Obama as the lesser of the two evils, and I was stunned at the comment. Rush is so hungry for attention, so desperate for the spotlight, that he will sink lower than an ant's ass for it. I will go as far as to call him a traitor. "My country right or wrong", right, Mr Limbaugh?
3. Faux, I mean, Fox News.
If Fox were a newspaper it would be great birdcage liner. Yes, every now and then they report something cool, but that's kinda rare. Anyhoo, recently, they bitched and moaned about Obama, saying he was out of line for saying bank executives making millions in salary should be capped at $500,000 while they are getting government bailout money. That Obama was going after the rich, he has no right, blah blah blah. Well, they looked like dicks when the million-dollar+ earning bank execs responded that if getting their salaries capped at $500k was a stipulation of receiving the bailout money, they would repay the bailout money in a year's time. YAHOO! So, the banks get their bailout cash, and they have a year to get their houses in order, AND they repay the taxpayer's money? What sucks about that? NOTHING. Look, I can appreciate the fact that at $500,000, the execs would be losing half their salary (and in some case it would be more than half). Since earning is relative - you spend what you earn - in theory it is no different than taking half of ANYONE'S salary. But the only way to keep these greedy fuckers honest is to hit THEM in the wallet personally, then they start remembering how to do their jobs. The reporter at Fox seemed to have a hitch in his throat while delivering that news...perhaps that was a little bit of crow. I would have loved to have been there to offer some milk to help it go down!
4. People who send around prank 'missing child' alerts
With children and young teens disappearing like a two-for-one at the local supermarket, what in the world would possess anyone to fake a 'missing child' scenario and pass it around as real? Parents and loved ones of truly missing people are desperate for any information that will get them back. Now some fucknut thinks it funny to make a fake one, and not only make fun of those people, but take advantage of the kindness of people who pass the information along in an attempt to help out? If you are the kind of person who thinks such dumb prank shit is cool or humorous just know that you are heartless, only one step above spammers, and should be publicly flogged or used in medical experiments.