1. Spammers, and the people who keep them in business.
Why in the WORLD would anyone even open an email that is titled: "Paris Hilton elected Israel Priminister". Are we kidding? Get an email entitled "Breaking News!!" from someone you don't know? GO TO THE HOMEPAGE OF YOUR FAVE INTERNET PROVIDER and see if it's there (and true). If Britney really did take new naked pics and sent them to the Pope, it'll be on the front page. Trust me. And don't open the one from someone you've never heard of who sends you an email entitled, "Plumb her depths with your massive tool". Want a larger penis? GOOGLE IT. Want free porn? that's easy to find, don't open that email about hot under-aged Russian girls. With all of the porn on the Internet today why would you need to get ANY of it from some dude named Sergei Poperstuff (unless, of course, you really know someone with that name). People. Seriously. STOP OPENING SPAM EMAILS. You know what you get when you do? MORE SPAM. And if you're one of those folks who never BCC their emails, you're sending this spam to your friends and family, too, because that email titled 'free download of Lindsay Lohan spreading' just raided your address book. I'm sure your Grandma is ALL about the "Fire Crotch".
2. People who ask for the advice of many and then follows through on NONE of it due to sheer lack of effort.
As I learned from my Nana back in the day, I am well-aware that when people ask for advice 9 times out of 10 they don't really want your advice with the intent of following it, it is for primarily two OTHER reasons: 1) to see if you're 'in their corner' on that particular issue and have their back; and 2) Reinforce what action they have already chosen to take. But, there are those occasions when someone truly clueless asks for your help on a serious issue because they truly don't know where to start. This person has every intention of using the feedback gleaned from his/her friends but the problem is that the individual in need is either really that stupid, or they're lazy, or if you've hit the dumbass jackpot - both. I have wasted my breath for the last time on this person because they did the polar-opposite of what was recommended to them for the lamest reasons EVER; and I'm sure I'm one of many who provided the same type of advice to this person that feel the same way. I'm DONE with assisting someone who at the end of the day has only two brain cells to work with (and they're fighting each other). After speaking with the person about the clusterfuck of a result due to their stupidity and laziness, I'm sure I could not hide the disgust in my voice, especially since my time and best intentions have been previously abused by this person. Next time, my friend, if you're going to go down in flames, tell me when you're done screwing it all up beyond repair and it's already in the record books. This way, you haven't stolen time out of my life I'll never get back - AGAIN - trying to help your fucking ass out.
3. People who can't live up to their word.
If you've been paying attention, you know I'm about as straight-up as any human is going to get. If I tell you I'm going to do something, I do it. If I can't, I will tell you so. If we agree that I'm going to do something for you in exchange for something, I'm going to keep up my end of the bargain, and when I show up to collect what was promised, I don't wanna hear any excuses, I don't want to be bull-shitted, I don't want to have to chase you around, and don't play stupid with me. How is anyone going to ever have any real respect for you or trust you if you can't live up to your end of ANY deal? How can you build up a reputation of any integrity when you can't complete a simple transaction on the most basic level? It boggles the mind. I knew the assignment was dangerous when I took it (and I had to take it), so I saw this coming, and I'm not too surprised. But it doesn't make it suck any less!
4. The United States has GOT to get a strong Independent Party.
This two-party crap IS NOT WORKING. It's polarizing, and keep things from moving as smoothly as they could because the agenda is more about towing the party line than it is about being reasonable and doing what is best for my country. We have two choices for this election - one dude with not nearly enough experience but is seen by many as (just about) the second coming of Christ and another dude who is going continue the same crap we've been enduring for the last 8 years. And the worst part is we have to choose between them. They play the middle of the political field as if they're jogging through a cow pasture in light-colored Manolo Blahniks; in other words, having to be on one-side of the proverbial fence or the other because their party dictates they have to. What happened to balance? What happened to making decisions based on what is truly fair and what the people want, not whether or not it vibes with the party's ideals (or who contributed to your campaign)? Maybe I'm being an idealist, but I KNOW I'm not the only person who agrees with many aspects of both parties but is either forced to pick one, or, like me, choose to be an Independent with no strong base or candidate. But we march forward anyway, and then are doomed to pick someone who either too far left or right who will not make us happy. I seriously - for the first time in my life - may not even vote this year.