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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pet Peeves #15 (originally posted approx. 12/15/08)

1. Bands and movie people that put audio/videos on a band's comments...& they auto-start!
Sure, put up a flyer. Okay, let us know abut that event, the stuff you sell. the upcoming festival featuring your indie flick. That's cool. But nothing says 'fuck you and what you're hawking than a video that auto-starts. Here's a newsflash - the only thing that should be audible on a band's page is THEIR MUSIC. Not your band's new song, not your new indie flick trailer. Wanna post a cool (and somehow relevant) video on a band's page? Make sure it doesn't start right away when the page loads. It's about respect. A band is on MySpace to get their music heard. MySpace is still a place for fans and industry people to find bands, and they may only give a band one chance to make an impression. So, ass-master, your video trailer has started just when Industry person was stopping by to hear a song...and you just ruined it. Thanks a lot, DOUCHE, I'm sure Industry Person LOVED the trailer/band song medley. Take your trailer, fold it up really small and guess where I suggest you shove it.

2. People who did not suffer financially in 2008...and had to let everyone who did know about it.
Believe me when I say I'm happy for you. I really am. 2008 sucked big time money-wise for millions of people (including myself), but I would never be resentful of anyone who did alright for themselves financially this year. But a little modesty on your part would really be appreciated, okay? I really don't want to hear about your expensive (and extensive) vacation at some exclusive resort in the Caribbean or your top-dollar 10-day cruise when I'm barely scraping by. Or how much that mega-party cost that had foie gras for an appetizer when I've been eating fucking pork-and-beans and pasta for the last two weeks. Oh, and here you come talking about the thousands you spent for Christmas. Because this year sucked harder than a two-dollar hooker, we didn't even put up a tree, so I while I will smile as you ramble on about how you have not one, but 3 Christmas trees in your house and you needed two SUV's to get your gifts home, know that I'm not hatin' on you as much I don't appreciate your lack of tact in such difficult times. Sure, you may not know my situation. But in this bah-humbag-broke-ass environment that has left a pall over your co-workers that were lucky enough to keep their jobs, know that what you're doing amounts to rubbing it in. And that is just thoughtless :(

3. People who never digest the fact that Politicians will be Politicians, no matter what party they represent.
Reading through postings in Blabbermouth can be funny, dumbfounding or just dumb. Yesterday, I read where Henry Rollins said he had faith in Barack Obama. Now, it should be apparent that he must have been asked this question, but again, as I have mentioned in an earlier Pet Peeve, some regular folks hate when famous people exercise their God and Country given right to express a political opinion for whatever reason. Anyhoo, one dude on there got a hair up his ass and went on and on about who much he hates Obama and his supporters and the lies that were told about him so he could win his campaign, insulting anyone that didn't agree, blah blah blah *yeeeawn*. Of course not acknowledging the lies and dirty tricks that were implemented by the Bush campaign or Presidency or any other lies told during all previous campaigns and Presidencies. My point is this: Politics is a dirty business. Politicians lie. Politics are about personal power. Newsflash: The election is over Republican Right-Wingers, and for now you have to just get the hell over it. If you get proven right, goody for you. If you get proven wrong, you'll look like a jackass. I'm an Independent, and I have the same opinion of Liberal Democrats who are over-zealous in their crucifixion of certain people who don't agree with their views. Extreme people cannot be trusted to be fair. Period. So shut the fuck up already. Sit back, have a drink, and watch 'n' wait. That's all we all can do for now!

4. Sports Chumps Charles Barkely, Eric Mangini & some Patriot fans.
Finally, people are seeing what I saw ages ago about the above three. Charles Barkely is a pompous, hypocritical, idiotic blowhard. He just got busted for DUI but this is only the tip of the iceberg for his stupidity and loose lips. Every time he opens his mouth or does something retarded he erodes what greatness on the court he once possessed. Now he's just a sorry, bitter old man with worse judgment than a 17 year old boy. He won't get fired from his sportscaster job, though. I can't imagine what this fool has to do to get the boot already. Eric Mangini did not have what it took to lead the New York Jets to anything of significance and I said so as soon as they hired him. He squandered a season in which we should have at least made the playoffs with some of the worst play calls and just a lack of passion and leadership. As for some (yes, I said SOME) Patriot fans, they were happy as most Jets fans when Mangini got the boot. Not because he was a poor coach (he was), but they felt it he got what he deserved for "ratting out" his former team - the Patriots - for cheating. For cheating. Are we kidding? The Pats got caught cheating, and instead of sucking it up, they blame the guy that reported them? That's class and sportsmanship right there! Save the argument about how "all teams do it"; maybe they do. But no wonder why there is so little honor in Sports these days :(

5. More Sports: That fool that ran out onto the field and tackled Junior Seau
First of all, WTF was he thinking? Second of all, the guy came down out of the stands and sucker-tackled Junior. That dude should have gotten his fucking clock cleaned and thankfully, a teammate of Junior gave this idiot a nice crunching. Even better, the team revoked his seat (he was a season ticket holder). What blew my mind were the fans on Fox Sports who said that Junior was washed up anyway, what was the big deal, and they shouldn't have taken the dude's seat away. Haters, all! Seriously, when did Sports fans get this moronic? These people have got to lay off the crack. Here are some caps for ya: SPECTATORS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE FIELD OF PLAY OF ANY SPORT FOR ANY REASON. What about this do people not understand? Why does it have to be explained to adults that this rule is in place for their safety and the safety of the players? How do we know that this idiot didn't plan to harm Junior in some way? I don't care how small the Internet has made the world and how many no-talents get nationwide fame due to Reality TV and YouTube, some barriers are there for very good reason. Besides safety in general there is the reality that people are crazy. Just look at the freak who stabbed Monica Seles or, of course, that asshole that stormed the stage and killed Dimebag. Whether it's a deep love, deep hatred or deep resentment that it isn't you making the millions with your talentless ass, keep your pathetic butt off the field, court, or stage. If you get on there and get hurt or killed I don't feel the least bit sorry for you. Want fame? Get a talent. Want money? Go earn it honest. Creeps who do dumb, no talent 'look-at-me' shit or try to get famous people to hurt them so they can sue should be castrated/have their tubes tied so they can't reproduce and further dumb down the world.