1. No, I'm not going to do your job for you.
I have my own work to do. It's bad enough people don't listen to the prompts when they call, push the wrong button, and then end up with me...then they're all pissy as if it's my fault they ended up in the wrong department. I transfer them to you, the person they need, so you can help them. Now, you're asking me 40 questions in the hopes that I looked up all their info up in YOUR system and can give you a blow-by-blow of their problem and make your life easy. You lazy shit - I gave you their name. I told you their issue. WTF? TAKE THE CALL AND DEAL WITH IT. If I going to get all of their info, dig deep into their problem, then I'm doing YOUR job, aren't I? When the tables are reversed, I'm lucky to get even a name out of you. Now you're grunting at me because heaven forbid, you have to do your job? The nerve - no wonder why your co-workers in your department have nothing nice to say about ya!
2. The college teacher that stopped a student's speech that was anti-Gay Marriage, called him "a fascist bastard", then denied him a grade.
My last Pet Peeve brought up a short discourse with my friend Scott about political hypocrisy, and, almost as if someone waved a magic wand, here is a prime example. The story as it has been reported so far: Student gets up to do a speech about why he is against Gay Marriage, citing religious reasons. Teacher stops him, demands he sit down, called him a "fascist bastard", and that if he wanted a grade for his speech, to 'ask God for it'. The student has since sued. To date, we do not know the content of the student's speech other than referencing the Bible; it is not revealed if the student said anything mean or hateful (if he had, I'm sure it would have been on YouTube already). So here's the thing about freedom of speech people: IT GOES BOTH WAYS. Unless the student was completely out of line, he is entitled to his opinion as much as anyone else. If those on the Left want to exercise their right to trash organized religion, trash the people who believe in the Bible or other religious texts, berate Conservative/Traditional people, and call people who don't agree with every aspect of their agenda all kinds of names, then they need to brace themselves when they get a dose of their own medicine. Freedom of speech applies to ALL Americans, no matter what it is, on whatever topic. While you don't have to agree with it, you cannot deny it. What really gets me is that this happened at a college - where ideas and opinions are supposed to be shared freely in the hopes of developing discourse and discussion for wisdom's sake. Again, barring a mean hate speech, the teacher should have let the student finish, and then he and the other students can question his stance. The teacher completely denied that opportunity for everyone involved, and regardless of your opinion on the subject, how is that right?
3. Physical abuse in a relationship.
The whole Rihanna/Chris Brown situation really brought relationship abuse into the spotlight. Sadly, there are abusers out there who consider women to be little more than punching bags with vaginas, and those guys need to be castrated and forced into slave labor. But here is where people may get a little pissed at me. Ladies, if physical fighting is something you dig (there are some of you who think it's 'hot'...because you're retarded) then know you get NO SYMPATHY from me if you do that shit and end up one night with the beatdown. I don't believe in a (supposedly) loving couple getting to fisticuffs, and I believe in playing fair. If a man attacks a woman without physical provocation, then he should pay for that. A woman should be able to speak her mind and live her life without fear of attack. However, if you hit him first, and then end up with the smackdown, well, he still would be wrong, but maybe next time, girlfriend, you will keep your hands to yourself. My point is this - I have heard too many stories and seen all too often women getting mad and attacking a man by slapping, beating him with something, throwing things at him, and then getting all kinds of shocked and upset when the man finally turns around and beats her ass or inflicts some kind of injury to her trying to protect himself. Yes, men tend to be bigger and stronger and can do a lot more damage physically with their bare hands. No, a man should never strike a woman and if the argument gets too hot, he should walk away. BUT just like anything else, ladies, don't dish it out if you can't take it. Women should not feel they get a free pass to beat on a man because he is not supposed to hit her back. In joking around with The Hubby I often say that I'm not afraid of him - all 6ft. 260 pounds of him - and I shouldn't be. But by the same token I would never physically attack him and/or provoke him to the point where I might regret it (common sense to me - why risk a beating when I feed him and I know when he sleeps? That was a joke, BTW). When two adults love each other, physical altercations should NOT be happening. If a woman or a man needs to beat on their partner because they lack self-control, then they don't need each other. They need medication. And a therapist!
4. Octomom
My band couldn't wait to hear my thoughts on this heffa. I won't play Captain Obvious and call her all of the derogatory names she deserves, but frankly, I think they should remove ALL of the children from her care - she is obviously not stable. If they allow her to keep them all, the doctor that implanted those embryos should be forced to contribute to their upbringing since his lack of judgment (and I'm being kind) allowed this fiasco to happen. I'm assuming she'll be asking for government assistance, which PISSES me off, and I'm sure we'll all be paying the kids' med bills...and therapy when they grow up, too. She's doing the rounds trying to get people to send her money (if you send her a DIME then you must be smoking from the same pipe she is) and well, she's not getting a lot of sympathy, as well she shouldn't. With so many people suffering financial hardship she has the unmitigated gall to do what she did and then seek the reward of financial support from people who are barely keeping it together with the kids they once were able to afford? I feel terrible for her mother, who is spending her golden years changing the diapers of this brood (and I feel really bad for them - they're gonna have a rough way to go). But then again, maybe the mother enabled her daughter's mental shortcomings, and instead of getting her daughter help, let it come to this. Sure, there have always been people mooching off of the taxpayers/system but never with such publicized bravado. Hell, at least the Duggers have a TV show paying the bills of the 17 they've got! The guy who thinks he may be the sperm donor is now taking a test to determine if he is the dad, and if he is, says he wants to send money to help Octo-Fool out. Publicity-seeking putz. I wonder how his wife and 3 kids feel about a) having a sperm donor for a mate and dad, and b) him opening up his wallet to this nut. Dude - you've done enough. Seriously. Step away from the microphone, and realize that the worst thing you can do to yourself and your family is be publicly connected in any way to this mess. Zip up your pants, and move on!