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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pet Peeves #4 - (Originally posted 7/2/08)

Pet Peeves #4 - 7/08
1. People who don't realize there is a fine line between doing your job and Karma.
I truly believe that God/Cosmos/Goddess/Universe/WhoeverYouBelieveIn will forgive you for doing something unpleasant to someone else if it is part of the means for making your living. I think those higher beings can tell when you're doing something distasteful and are not happy to do it, but must when no other alternative is available; from when you just do something unneccesarily shitty and getting some kind of real pleasure out of it. The former will get through their work life unscathed by bad Karma; the latter...Karma is a bitch. Really. What comes around goes around!

2. The people who help define that lovely word that rhymes with "bunt".
A person who doesn't understand that if you're on the way to the hospital, they have to step up to the plate and pick up the kid and take care of the kid for a few days. No, This is not a negotiation. This same person, while you're signing discharge papers and barely able to stand, is going to call and ask when they can drop the kid off. Are we kidding? Thanks for your sympathy and understanding of the hospitalization and recuperation process ASSHOLE. Here's hoping that if the same life-or-death situation happens to them that they won't encounter someone quite as cunty as they are. It's really not pleasant. Again, KARMA people...

3. Most Teenagers/Young Adults.
Yeah, I've gotten to the age where for the most part they piss me the fuck off. The once nice young girls that live across the street who played jumprope and were polite are going through that "I gotta be all tough and loud and have asshole friends and be an absolute turd to anyone around me because I'm young and I'm ME" phase. Now that it's summer (and y'all know how much I HATE summer to begin with) they're out on the stoop like a gaggle of roaches being a general annoyance. Yesterday one of their friends got out of the car in front of their house YELLING one of the girl's name as she walked up to the house. YELLING. Couldn't wait to get the door and ring the bell, or go up to side door and knocking like a normal human being. No. YELLING. I happened to be walking to the car with The Hubby and said aloud, "WTF is wrong with this bitch?" I think she heard me. Ask me if care! I wish a had a grenade so on Saturday nights I could just launch one at 'em and watch them go up in a glorious ball of flesh and flame.

4. The Spite of the Ex
So the relationship didn't work out. But, you've had a child with the man. You are now using the child as a weapon, as an excuse, as whatever it takes to try and get whatever attention you can get from a guy that is over you and you can never get back. Unfortunately for everyone involved - including your child - you're unstable. Nuts. And lazy too. Your actions are not about doing the best for your kid, it's really all about YOU. If you really cared for your child, there are plenty of other things you could be doing (and should have been doing all along), but that's not the real issue for you, is it? I truly believe women like you don't really love their kids, it's just a ploy to be forever tied to someone, so even if the relationship sours, you're still attached like a cancer or have some kind of living 'souvenir'. I pity the kids of relationships like this - in the end, they suffer the most :(

5. The tricky emotion of can be tough to offer sometimes.
Recently, I had sympathy for a guy at work whose son was jumped and robbed. The kid was beat up pretty badly and ended up in the hospital. Naturally, anyone who knew about the matter felt sorry for the kid and the father, who was beside himself with all the emotions you'd expect him to have. Co-workers of all colors and stripes were there to lend support and sympathy, which he appeared to appreciate. Not long after, though, he was heard talking very loudly on the phone to someone - at work, mind you - railing about how his son was jumped "by a bunch of niggers" saying this repeatedly. Needless to say, this made the rounds back to his Black co-workers (including me), some of whom were his support team when he needed it most. Guess if his son was jumped by a bunch of White kids that would have been alright by him. Wanna ask me how much sympathy I have for him right now?