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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pet Peeves #10 -(originally posted 10/3/08)

1. The, "it's not my job" morons.
I know my job description, and I get enough work to do within it without having to take on someoneelse's responsibilities. However, every now and then I'm asked to step outside of my box - or cubicle, depending on the situation - and wear a different hat. I don't have a problem with that (unless, of course, it's involves hiding a body, selling something illegal or eating olives; okay, maybe I would help hide a body...nevermind) *ahem* point is, no one should have a problem with helping out when asked to perform an act they wouldn't normally be responsible for, especially when it involves an injured living thing. This afternoon, some idiot hit a cat with his/her car in our office park and basically left it to die. We have a security force and maintenance people for the building all of whom said, "sorry, that's not my job" and walked away. No offer to call, no indication there was a plan in place for injured animals, nothing. Are we kidding? There are about 7 companies in my building with people hanging out smoking and NO ONE hears and kitty mewling in pain? By the time my office found out about it, (and we were the last to know, apparently) and a lady in our Marketing Department rushed it to her Vet, it died :( The only thing sadder was that of the 8 places some of us called, no one would come get it, or they would turn it away if the person who brought it did not assume responsibility for it. Sorry, that is fucking bullshit. The girl who found her and the lady who tried to get it care have been spending the afternoon crying, and the rest of us trying hard not to :( it's wrong to wish evil on anyone, but I hope the people who could have done something, but just didn't are treated with the same indifference when they're in need of immediate care. Assholes.

2. People who forward email rumors without checking if they're true.
When you get an email that says something that sounds too retarded to be true or even if it sounds like it could be true - please please please for the love of Gawd go to, or other Internet rumor confirmation site and see if its true or false before you spread it to all of your friends. I know you folks mean well, but if you cared enough to send it to me in the first place, think about how much more I'd appreciate it if you didn't give me one more thing - and it's not even true - to worry about. If you don't want to check it's authenticity, then don't send it at all. Don't worry - I'm sure someone else will send me another one just like it.

3. People who figure that they're only going to Home Depot/Super Market/Post Office and hygiene is just not a big deal.
No one is going to ever mistake me for a model, I'll never get any awards for my definitely NOT designer clothing. I don't even wear makeup 90% of the time (I may not have the Tall/Skinny gene but dammit, I have great skin). But I DO bathe, brush my teeth and comb my hair before I walk out of the door, even if it's to somewhere not-so-exciting. I'll never understand people who roll out of bed and show up at the Home Depot/Super Market/Post Office and OH YEAH WALMART without washing their ass, scraping their microwave breakfast off of their teeth, running a comb their hair and checking that their clothes don't look as though is was used for barnyard flooring. I guess they figure that the destination doesn't merit such consideration. Now, I understand those hard-working men who needed to run to Lowe's real quick for something to complete a job they're on, but that doesn't excuse the women, those wild-haired, greasy sweatpant-wearing eyesores who stink to the point that your nostils fly back as if they were hit by a cricket bat. Ladies, how do you ever expect to get laid or meet the man of your dreams if you look and smell like a cross-dressing wrestler on a coffee break? C'mon! You don't have to bust out the Versace but if I smell ya before I see ya - I'm sure the really hot construction dude did too, and you are NOT getting any play. Nope. None. And perfume does NOT cover it up - you smell like a sweaty musk-ox. Fat Albert and the crew sang it best: "Soap and water. A toothbrush and a comb. You should learn to use them, or you will stand alone."